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  • مصنوع من الزجاج عالي الجودة
  • سعة 1.7 لتر
  • مقبض بتصميم مريح يبقى باردا لتجنب الحروق

سياسيات التوصيل والارجاع

Springerdata offers a variety of billing options, including monthly and annual subscription plans, as well as pay-as-you-go pricing for certain services. Payment is typically made through a credit card or other secure online payment method.


Springerdata offers a variety of billing options, including monthly and annual subscription plans, as well as pay-as-you-go pricing for certain services. Payment is typically made through a credit card or other secure online payment method.

المنطقة الضفة الغربية الداخل المحتل القدس
التكلفة 20 70 30

مدة التوصيل من 3 الى 5 ايام

منتجات ذات صلة